The authors’ empirical analysis shows both commonalities and variations in the sources of regime support in Southeast Asian countries. Most regimes in the region draw political legitimacy from perceptions that their governance is effective and marked by integrity. These findings lend support to the argument that regime legitimacy—when it is won and when it is lost—is rooted in the output side of the political system. Yet delivering economic prosperity alone will not suffice. In order for political regimes in Southeast Asia to win over their people, they must control corruption, respect the rule of law, treat all citizens fairly and equally, expand public services, and be responsive to what the people need. The region’s young democracies are not exempt from these requirements.
About the Authors
Alex Chang
Alex Chang is assistant research fellow at the Institute of Political Science at Academia Sinica (Taipei).
Yun-han Chu was an academician of Academia Sinica, where he was also Distinguished Research Fellow of the Institute of Political Science, and professor of political science at National Taiwan University.
Bridget Welsh is professor of political science at Ipek University (Ankara), senior research associate at National Taiwan University’s Center for East Asia Democratic Studies, and senior associate fellow at the Habibie Center (Jakarta).
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