Bronislaw Geremek
Bronislaw Geremek is foreign minister of Poland. A medieval historian by training, he was a key advisor to Lech Wa~êsa from the earliest days of Solidarity, and spent over a year in prison during the period of martial law. He chaired the Committee for Political Reform during Solidarity’s 1989 “roundtable” talks with the leaders of Poland’s communist regime. From 1989 until his appointment as foreign minister in 1997, he was chairman of the parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee.
July 1993, Volume 4, Issue 3
Politics After Communism: A Horizon of Hope and Fear
Read the full essay here.
April 1992, Volume 3, Issue 2
Problems of Postcommunism: Civil Society Then and Now
Read the full essay here.

The Global Resurgence of Democracy
"A useful compilation popularizing the work of an influential journal… The Journal of Democracy is an effective tribune for mainstream U.S. thinking on these issues."—Political Studies

Democracy after Communism
Is the challenge of building and consolidating democracy under postcommunist conditions unique, or can one apply lessons learned from other new democracies? The essays collected in this volume explore these questions, while tracing how the countries of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union have fared in the decade following the fall of communism.