Claude Ake
Claude Ake is director of the Center for Advanced Social Science and a member and the former dean of the faculty of social sciences of the University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria. He is a former president of the Council for the Development of Economic and Social Research, the umbrella social science organization in Africa. He has recently been a fellow at both the Brookings Institution and the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. His books include A Theory of Political Integration (1967), The Theory of Political Development (1982), and A Political Economy of Africa (1982).

Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy Revisited
"Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy Revisited is must reading for anyone who considers him- or herself a political economist, and it should also appeal to those probing the uncertainties of contemporary democratization."—Philippe C. Schmitter, Stanford University.

The Global Resurgence of Democracy
"A useful compilation popularizing the work of an influential journal… The Journal of Democracy is an effective tribune for mainstream U.S. thinking on these issues."—Political Studies