COVID-19 Update: NED is continuing to operate during this worldwide health emergency, and to make grants in support of democracy.
However, our office is closed to the public and all in-person events and meetings have been postponed, cancelled or are occurring virtually.

Jalal Alamgir

Jalal Alamgir is assistant professor of political science at the University of Massachusetts, Boston, and has held research posts at Brown and Columbia universities and the Centre for Policy Research in New Delhi. He is author of India’s Open-Economy Policy: Globalism, Rivalry, Continuity (2008).

July 2009, Volume 20, Issue 3

Bangladesh’s Fresh Start

After a nearly two-year interlude of authoritarian rule, Bangladeshis voted decisively for democracy, a secular approach to politics, and the center-left. The challenge now is to show that parliamentary democracy can deliver stability and socioeconomic progress.