Jan Zielonka

Jan Zielonka, professor of European politics at the University of Oxford and Ralf Dahrendorf Fellow at St. Antony’s College, is coauthor (with Mark Leonard) of A Europe of Incentives: How to Regain the Trust of Citizens and Markets (2012) and author of Europe as Empire: Enlarging and Reshaping the Boundaries of the European Union (2006).

October 2012, Volume 23, Issue 4

European Disintegration? Elusive Solidarity

Europe’s economic crisis has become a crisis of democratic governance that could roll back five decades of integration. The EU may disintegrate because its “commanders” are unable to converge three distinct economic, political and institutional theaters in which the crisis is being played out.

January 2004, Volume 15, Issue 1

Europe Moves Eastward: Challenges of EU Enlargement

As it prepares to go from 15 to 25 member states, the EU has improved the prospects for democracy in the East, but nothing about enlargement promises to resolve the vexing issue of democracy within the EU structure itself.