COVID-19 Update: NED is continuing to operate during this worldwide health emergency, and to make grants in support of democracy.
However, our office is closed to the public and all in-person events and meetings have been postponed, cancelled or are occurring virtually.

John Makumbe

John Makumbe, senior lecturer in political science at the University of Zimbabwe, is coauthor (with Daniel Compagnon) of Behind the Smokescreen: The Politics of Zimbabwe’s 1995 General Elections (1996). He is currently chairing the Zimbabwe chapter of Transparency International, an international nongovernmental organization devoted to fighting corruption.

October 2002, Volume 13, Issue 4

Zimbabwe’s Hijacked Election

Realizing that power would slip from his grasp if he allowed an honest presidential election in 2002, longtime strongman Robert Mugabe resorted to antidemocratic tactics that set a new low in cruelty and dishonesty.