Category: News & Updates

Sharp Power Research Portal

The International Forum for Democratic Studies’ Sharp Power Research Portal is a tool for researchers, journalists, policymakers, and activists to recognize patterns of authoritarian influence in several domains. It includes over 750 resources providing research, reporting, and analysis.

The War in Ukraine: 7 Essential Reads

The Journal of Democracy has been covering the roots of Putin’s obsession with Ukraine for nearly 20 years. Here are 7 essential reads on the origins of the conflict, and what brought us to this dangerous moment.

The Top Ten Most-Read Essays of 2021

In a year marked by high political drama, economic unrest, and rising assaults on democracy, we at the Journal of Democracy sought to provide insight and analysis of the forces that imperil freedom. Here are our 10 most-read essays of 2021.

Journal of Democracy Names Tarek Masoud as Co-Editor

Tarek Masoud, a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Democracy, is professor of public policy at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government. He is the author of Counting Islam: Religion, Class, and Elections in Egypt (2014) and of The Arab Spring: Pathways of Repression and Reform with Jason Brownlee and…

December 10, 2021

Journal of Democracy Names William Dobson as Co-Editor

William (“Will”) Dobson, most recently chief international editor at NPR, has held senior editorial posts at Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, and Slate. He is author of The Dictator’s Learning Curve: Inside the Global Battle for Democracy (2012). Read the full press release here.

January 9, 2020

Rod Alence and Anne Pitcher on South Africa’s elections

At the Washington Post’s Monkey Cage, read Alence and Pitcher’s take on South Africa’s 8 May 2019 national elections, and stay tuned for an expanded analysis in the October 2019 JoD. Plus, read Alence’s 2004 Journal article (free through May 31) for a deeper look into the history of South Africa’s democracy.

The Road to Digital Unfreedom

On 19 March 2019, January-issue contributors Ronald J. Deibert and Xiao Qiang discussed new dangers presented by social media and related digital tools with Shanthi Kalathil and Christopher Walker of NED’s International Forum for Democratic Studies.

March 19, 2019

Listen to JoD Authors and Editors on the Power 3.0 Podcast

On new podcasts produced by NED’s International Forum for Democratic Studies, Larry Diamond discusses “China and the Global Challenge to Democracy,” and Marc F. Plattner explores “Democracy and the Illiberal Temptation.” And don’t miss conversations with recent JoD author Ronald J. Deibert on how social media may be fueling authoritarianism and with April-issue contributor Glenn Tiffert on digital censorship in China…

February 5, 2019

Online Exchange on “Democratic Deconsolidation”

In a special exchange appearing only on our website, distinguished scholars Amy C. Alexander and Christian Welzel; Pippa Norris; and Erik Voeten offer critiques of the July 2016 and January 2017 articles by Roberto Stefan Foa and Yascha Mounk. A reply from Foa and Mounk follows.  

August 8, 2017

“S.M. Lipset and the Fragility of Democracy”

"Seymour Martin Lipset passed away eleven years ago. . . . Today, his prolific scholarship remains as timely and influential as when he was an actively engaged author," writes Mildred A. Schwartz in a post for the blog of Oxford University Press on the enduring relevance of Seymour Martin Lipset. Read the whole tribute here.

April 4, 2017

Steven Radelet at NED

Steven Radelet will discuss his essay "The Rise of the World's Poorest Countries" at NED on Oct. 26 at noon.

October 19, 2015

The Journal of Democracy Turns 25

To mark the occasion, a panel discussion featuring coeditors Larry Diamond and Marc Plattner and several contributors to the 25th anniversary issue will be held in Washington, DC, on 1/29 at 4:15 pm.   

January 15, 2015

Letter to the Editor

A critique of Francis Fukuyama's October 2013 Journal of Democracy essay "Democracy and the Quality of the State."

October 19, 2013

New JoD Available Now

Essays on Eygpt and Syria in latest issue of the Journal of Democracy, as well as Francis Fukuyama and Marc F. Plattner on governance and democracy & essays on the “Arab Spring,” Paraguay, Malaysia, & more.

October 15, 2013

Book Launch

JoD ed. board member Vladimir Tismaneanu discusses his new book, The Devil in History: Communism, Fascism, and Some Lessons of the 20th Century, at NED on 2/27.

February 27, 2013

China Event

At a Feb.7 event at the NED, JoD authors will discuss whether evidence points to a coming period of political change in China.

February 1, 2013

JoD Book Launch: Liberation Technology

Join us this afternoon at 4:30 (EST) for a live stream of the panel event launching our new volume, "Liberation Technology: Social Media and the Struggle for Democracy" — at National Endowment for Democracy.

September 11, 2012

In Memory of Oswaldo Payá

The Cuban opposition recently lost one of its towering figures. Click here to read an exchange between Payá and Václav Havel that appeared in the April 2004 Journal of Democracy.

August 1, 2012

Constitution-Making, Electoral Design, and the Arab Spring

Drawing on their essays in the October 2011 and January 2012 issues of the Journal of Democracy, Andrew Reynolds and John Carey discussed the constitutional and electoral designs chosen by Tunisia, Libya, and Egypt.

March 29, 2012