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January 2000, Volume 11, Issue 1

Documents on Democracy

Excerpts from: a statement by Cuban dissidents entitled “All  United”; a letter by former dissidents of the Soviet  bloc to the so-called “Group of Four” critics of the Castro regime in Cuba; an address delivered by the Commonwealth’s outgoing secretary-general Chief Emeka Anayaoku;  the “Seoul Statement” on human rights in North Korea; Abdurrahman Wahid’s speech…

July 2014, Volume 25, Issue 3

Election Watch

Reports on elections in Afghanistan, Algeria, Colombia, Egypt, El Salvador, Guinea-Bissau, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Kosovo, Libya, Lithuania, Macedonia, Malawi, Maldives, Mauritania, Panama, Serbia, Slovakia, South Africa, and Ukraine.

April 2007, Volume 18, Issue 2

Election Watch

Reports on elections in Bahrain, Gabon, The Gambia, Lesotho, Madagascar, Mauritania, Saint Lucia, Senegal, Serbia, and Turkmenistan.


April 2023, Volume 34, Issue 2

Iraq’s Mafia State

Although Saddam fell twenty years ago, the politicians who have come after him still think like Baathists. But a new generation has begun making itself heard. It believes in Iraq as a nation and it understands democracy as more than a source of spoils to be divided among groups.

July 2010, Volume 21, Issue 3

Election Watch

Reports on elections in Colombia, Czech Republic, Dominican Republic, Hungary, Iraq, Mauritius, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Suriname, Togo, and Trinidad and Tobago.

April 2013, Volume 24, Issue 2

Election Watch

Reports on elections in Armenia, Barbados, Czech Republic, Djibouti, Ecuador, Ghana, Jordan, Kenya, and South Korea.


January 2021, Volume 32, Issue 1

The Arab Spring at 10: Kings or People?

A decade ago, Arab peoples stood up and sought to replace their rulers with a more democratic political project. But Arab autocrats have a project of their own. Can the people gain ground in the struggle for self-government, or will their rulers bear it away?

July 2001, Volume 12, Issue 3

Documents on Democracy

Excerpts from: “Tunisia 2004: Manifesto of Progressive Tunisian Democrats”; the Declaration of Quebec City from the third  Summit of the Americas meeting; Mexican foreign minister Jorge Castañeda’s address at the 57th session of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights. 

October 2013, Volume 24, Issue 4

Election Watch

Reports on elections in Albania, Bhutan, Cambodia, Iran, Kuwait, the Maldives, Mali, Mongolia, Togo, and Zimbabwe.

July 2015, Volume 26, Issue 3

Election Watch

Reports on elections in Benin, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Guyana, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Nigeria, Poland, Sudan, Suriname, Togo, and Turkey.

January 2002, Volume 13, Issue 1

Election Watch

Reports on elections in Argentina, Bangladesh, Bulgaria, The Gambia, Honduras, Mauritania, Nicaragua, Poland, Sri Lanka, and Taiwan.

January 2001, Volume 12, Issue 1

Documents on Democracy

Excerpts from: a statement by Yugoslav presidential candidate Vojislav Kostunica; Mexican president Vicente Fox’s inaugural address; the declaration of Syrian president Bashar Al-Assad.

October 2003, Volume 14, Issue 4

Election Watch

Reports on elections in Cambodia, Jordan, Kuwait, Mexico, and Rwanda.

October 1999, Volume 10, Issue 4

Election Watch

Reports on elections in Indonesia, Kuwait, Malawi, and Venezuela.

July 2011, Volume 22, Issue 3

Documents on Democracy

Excerpts from: Nigerian president Goodluck Jonathan’s inaugural address; the March 29 statement issued by the 31-member Libyan Interim National Council; the final statement issued by participants of the Conference for Change in Syria.

January 2017, Volume 28, Issue 1

Election Watch

Reports on elections in Belarus, Bulgaria, Cape Verde, Cote d'Ivoire, The Gambia, Ghana, Georgia, Haiti, Kuwait, Jordan, Lithuania, Montenegro, Morocco, Nicaragua, Palau, Russia, Uzbekistan.


January 2018, Volume 29, Issue 1

Fighting Terrorism: The Democracy Advantage

Despite worries that terror groups can turn open societies’ very openness against them, the numbers reveal that liberal democracies enjoy significant advantages in resisting the threat of terrorism. 

January 2019, Volume 30, Issue 1

Documents on Democracy

Excerpts from: the G7 Charlevoix Commitment on Defending Democracy from Foreign Threats; victory speech by Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro; inaugural address by Mexican president Andrés Manuel López Obrador; inaugural address by Maldivian president Ibrahim Mohamed Solih; remarks by Angolan journalist Rafael Marques; and address by former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Washington Declaration.