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July 1995, Volume 6, Issue 3

Election Watch

Reports on elections in Argentina, Belarus, Benin, Ethiopia, Malaysia, Micronesia, Peru, Philippines, Zimbabwe.

July 2009, Volume 20, Issue 3

Election Watch

Reports on elections in Algeria, Ecuador, El Salvador, India, Indonesia, Kuwait, Lithuania, Macedonia, Malawi, Maldives, Micronesia, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Panama, Slovakia, and South Africa.

April 2016, Volume 27, Issue 2

Election Watch

Reports on elections in Benin, Central African Republic, Comoros, Congo (Brazzaville), Haiti, Iran, Jamaica, Niger, Samoa, Seychelles, Slovakia, Taiwan, Uganda, Vanuatu.

October 2018, Volume 29, Issue 4

Election Watch

Reports on elections in Cambodia, Maldives, Mali, Mauritania, Mexico, Pakistan, Rwanda, Swaziland, Turkey, and Zimbabwe.

January 2011, Volume 22, Issue 1

Election Watch

Reports on elections in Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Burma, Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, Guinea, Haiti, Jordan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Moldova, Tanzania, Tonga, Venezuela.

July 2007, Volume 18, Issue 3

Election Watch

Reports on elections in Algeria, Armenia, Bahamas, Benin, Burkina Faso, Estonia, Mali, Mauritania, Nigeria, and Timor-Leste.

October 2012, Volume 23, Issue 4

Election Watch

Reports on elections in Angola, Egypt, Hong Kong, Libya, Mexico, Mongolia, Papua New Guinea, Republic of Congo (Brazzaville), Senegal, and Timor-Leste.

Winter 1991, Volume 2, Issue 1

Election Watch

Reports on elections in Brazil, Côte d’Ivoire, Egypt, Gabon, Guatemala, Malaysia, Pakistan, Poland, USSR-Georgia, and Yugoslavia. 

July 2017, Volume 28, Issue 3

Election Watch

Reports on elections in Algeria, Armenia, the Bahamas, Bulgaria, the Gambia, Iran, Kosovo, Lesotho, Micronesia, Papua New Guinea, Serbia, South Korea, and Timor-Leste. 

July 2013, Volume 24, Issue 3

Election Watch

Reports on elections in Bhutan, Bulgaria, Equatorial Guinea, Kenya, Malaysia, Montenegro, Pakistan, Paraguay, Philippines, and Venezuela.

July 2016, Volume 27, Issue 3

Election Watch

Reports on elections in Benin, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Congo (Brazzaville), Djibouti, Dominican Republic, Equatorial Guinea, Iran, Kazakhstan, Niger, Peru, the Philippines, Serbia, and South Korea.

July 2013, Volume 24, Issue 3

Kishore’s World

The widely hailed writings of Singapore’s Kishore Mahbubani, including his latest book, The Great Convergence: Asia, the West, and the Logic of One World, reveal a remarkably narrow and Manichean worldview.

October 1998, Volume 9, Issue 4

Election Watch

Reports on elections in Belize, Cambodia, Colombia, the Czech Republic, Ecuador, Madagascar, the Philippines, and Togo. 

January 2019, Volume 30, Issue 1

Election Watch

Reports on elections in Afghanistan, Armenia, Bahrain, Bhutan, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Brazil, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo, Fiji, Gabon, Georgia, Latvia, Madagascar, Maldives, São Tomé and Príncipe, Swaziland, and Togo.

July 2011, Volume 22, Issue 3

Election Watch

Reports on elections in Benin, Central African Republic, Chad, Djibouti, Estonia, Haiti, Kazakhstan, Micronesia, Niger, Nigeria, Peru, Singapore, and Uganda.

April 2003, Volume 14, Issue 2

Election Watch

Reports on elections in Armenia, Djibouti, Estonia, Kenya, Kiribati, Lithuania, Madagascar, Micronesia, Montenegro, Seychelles, and South Korea.

April 1999, Volume 10, Issue 2

Election Watch

Reports on elections in the Central African Republic, El Salvador, Estonia, Grenada, Guinea, Kazakhstan, and Nigeria.

January 2017, Volume 28, Issue 1

Election Watch

Reports on elections in Belarus, Bulgaria, Cape Verde, Cote d'Ivoire, The Gambia, Ghana, Georgia, Haiti, Kuwait, Jordan, Lithuania, Montenegro, Morocco, Nicaragua, Palau, Russia, Uzbekistan.

April 1996, Volume 7, Issue 2

Election Watch

Reports on elections in Bangladesh, Benin, Cape Verde, Equatorial Guinea, Haiti, Kyrgyzstan, Sierra Leone, Turkey, West Bank and Gaza.