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July 2011, Volume 22, Issue 3

Election Watch

Reports on elections in Benin, Central African Republic, Chad, Djibouti, Estonia, Haiti, Kazakhstan, Micronesia, Niger, Nigeria, Peru, Singapore, and Uganda.

July 2009, Volume 20, Issue 3

Election Watch

Reports on elections in Algeria, Ecuador, El Salvador, India, Indonesia, Kuwait, Lithuania, Macedonia, Malawi, Maldives, Micronesia, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Panama, Slovakia, and South Africa.

October 2009, Volume 20, Issue 4

Election Watch

Reports on elections in Albania, Argentina, Bulgaria, Congo (Brazzaville), Guinea-Bissau, Indonesia, Iran, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Mauritania, Mexico, and Moldova.

January 2008, Volume 19, Issue 1

Election Watch

Reports on elections in Argentina, Croatia, Guatemala, Jordan, Kiribati, Madagascar, Nauru, Oman, Poland, Russia, Sierra Leone, Slovenia, Togo, Trinidad and Tobago, and Ukraine.

October 2008, Volume 19, Issue 4

Documents on Democracy

Excerpts from: a statement issued by a leading group of Russian democrats on the conflict over South Ossetia; a joint declaration condemning Russian military actions against Georgia; the African Democracy Forum’s statement condemning the military coup d’état in Mauritania. 

January 2007, Volume 18, Issue 1

Election Watch

Reports on elections in Bahrain, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Congo (Kinshasa), Ecuador, Gabon, The Gambia, Latvia, Madagascar, Montenegro, Nicaragua, Saint Lucia, Tajikistan, Venezuela, Yemen, and Zambia.

July 2012, Volume 23, Issue 3

Election Watch

Reports on elections in Armenia, Belize, Burma, Dominican Republic, Egypt, El Salvador, Lesotho, Senegal, Serbia, South Korea, and Timor-Leste.

April 2005, Volume 16, Issue 2

Election Watch

Reports on elections in Croatia, Ghana, Iraq, Kyrgyzstan, Maldives, Moldova, Mozambique, Niger, Palestinian Territories, Taiwan, Tajikistan, Thailand, and Ukraine.

July 2013, Volume 24, Issue 3

Election Watch

Reports on elections in Bhutan, Bulgaria, Equatorial Guinea, Kenya, Malaysia, Montenegro, Pakistan, Paraguay, Philippines, and Venezuela.

April 2016, Volume 27, Issue 2

Election Watch

Reports on elections in Benin, Central African Republic, Comoros, Congo (Brazzaville), Haiti, Iran, Jamaica, Niger, Samoa, Seychelles, Slovakia, Taiwan, Uganda, Vanuatu.

April 2003, Volume 14, Issue 2

Documents on Democracy

Excerpts from: Václav Havel’s last two addresses as president of the Czech Republic; Nicaraguan president Enrique Bolaños’s speech accepting the National Endowment for Democracy’s Democracy Service Medal; speech by Turkish Justice and Development Party chairman (now prime minister) Recep Tayyip Erdoğan; inaugural address of Brazilian president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.

January 2003, Volume 14, Issue 1

Election Watch

Reports on elections in Bahrain, Bosnia, Brazil, Czech Republic, Ecuador, Jamaica, Latvia,  Macedonia, Montenegro, Morocco, Pakistan, Serbia, Seychelles, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Korea, Trinidad and Tobago, and Turkey.

January 2001, Volume 12, Issue 1

Documents on Democracy

Excerpts from: a statement by Yugoslav presidential candidate Vojislav Kostunica; Mexican president Vicente Fox’s inaugural address; the declaration of Syrian president Bashar Al-Assad.

Spring 1990, Volume 1, Issue 2

Documents on Democracy

Excerpts from: the victory speech of Nicaraguan presidential candidate Violeta Barrios de Chamorro; South African president F.W. de Klerk’s speech opening Parliament; the platform of Lithuania’s pro-independence Sajudis movement.


July 2020, Volume 31, Issue 3

The Future of Nonviolent Resistance

In the decade leading up to the covid-19 pandemic, nonviolent civil resistance grew more popular than ever—but its effectiveness had already started to plummet. The future of nonviolent resistance may depend on movements’ ability to move beyond mass protests toward exploring alternative tactics and developing smarter, longer-term strategies.


January 2021, Volume 32, Issue 1

The Arab Spring at 10: Kings or People?

A decade ago, Arab peoples stood up and sought to replace their rulers with a more democratic political project. But Arab autocrats have a project of their own. Can the people gain ground in the struggle for self-government, or will their rulers bear it away?

October 2008, Volume 19, Issue 4

Election Watch

Reports on elections in Angola, Cambodia, Grenada, Hong Kong, Macedonia, Mongolia, and Zimbabwe.

October 2005, Volume 16, Issue 4

Election Watch

Reports on elections in Afghanistan, Albania, Bulgaria, Burundi, Egypt, Ethiopia, Guinea-Bissau, Iran, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Mauritius, Poland, and Suriname.

October 2004, Volume 15, Issue 4

Election Watch

Reports on elections in Indonesia, Lithuania, Mongolia, Philippines, and Serbia.